About Talk Town
Equality, gender and feminism
Talk Town is a debate festival for the people; a town for conversations about equality, gender and feminism; a forum for dialogue across professional and personal experience; a place for curiosity, network and dialogue.
The festival is arranged in the style of, say, the Folkemødet on Bornholm where contributions from various organisations, experts and activists carry the torch. In this sense, it works as a professional, social and cultural frame for organisations, business, societies, grassroots, activists, education, engaged citizens and many who can contribute with the subjects they are passionate about.
The purpose of Talk Town is to create a platform for network and dialogue with room for disagreement and different perspectives, but always pointing in the same direction: Equality.
The board
The Talk Town board consists of representatives from Women’s Council Denmark (Kvinderådet) and INDGREB. The board oversees the general responsibility of the festival. The Talk Town Association (Foreningen Talk Town) was formed in 2018 by two founding groups. Download articles of association.
Talk Town dates back to 2016 when Denmark hosted the Women Deliver conference. The culture production collective Indgreb wanted to grant the people of Copenhagen access to the many Women Deliver delegates that represented the equality cause globally. The aim was to translate the global issues to a Danish context. Consequently, Indgreb contacted the Women’s Council Denmark, and together they produced the first edition of Talk Town in Copenhagen’s Meat Packing District in 2016.
The festival was originally meant to take place only once, but due to massive support, Talk Town has come back ever since, cooperating with several international and Danish actors and presenting hundreds of events for thousands of guests, even hosting an edition in Aarhus.
Talk Town is here to stay. In addition to the festival in Copenhagen, an edition has taken place in Aarhus, at the venue Forbrændringen and in cooperation with Roskilde Festival Højskole.
Our partners
Talk Town is supported by a number of sponsors and foundations. The festival would not be possible without them.
The Talk Town Association
Niels Hemmingsens Gade 10, 2., 1153 København K
CVR: 40053662